IS THE UNIVERSE A FRIENDLY PLACE? Years ago, I remember reading a quote attributed to Einstein. In it, he was claimed to have said that one of the last really big questions remaining for humanity to answer was: is the …
So Much Talk of Sexual Assault !
SO MUCH TALK OF SEXUAL ASSAULT! They’re coming out of the woodwork! You’d have to be living under a rock not to notice the veritable avalanche of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation being reported in the news right now. …
When do you know it’s over?
As a therapist, I typically get to meet people and see or hear about their relationship when things have gone seriously off track, usually for some time. Research shows that people delay seeking the help of a couple therapist – …
Finding the one or finding the one for right now?
Currently in the West, the most common way to meet new potential partners I hear about is through the internet. A plethora of dating sites exist to meet the different needs, ranging from the hook-up oriented type to those that …
Integrity, Trust and Credibility
Integrity, trust and credibility are big ticket words. They play out in our lives, for each and every one of us, every day. Whether we realise it or not. The degree to which we demonstrate them through our actions as …
After the Affair… is this relationship worth salvaging?
After an affair is revealed, many people wonder if there is any point in engaging in counseling. As with most other relationship-specific difficulties, the answer is it “depends”. One of the many relevant factors is how soon after the reveal a …
In my work, I am often consulted by people at the point where they feel they have reached the end of the road in their relationship – they tell me they feel they need to leave. Typically, these folk call …
Technology – a means to an end, or an end in itself?
Technology is infiltrating almost every aspect of our lives. It has become such an integral part of our lives, most of us have come to expect it to be this way, or we have not known any other way. Over time, many …
The issue of Truth, as an idea, a perspective, or a fact about what is real, has been around for centuries. It’s been debated by leaders, theologians and philosophers for a long time. Through developments in mathematics and science, the realm of …
“I want to have a relationship” I hear people tell me. Elsewhere, I wrote about needing to discriminate between when we are looking for (mainly or only) sex, or relationship (avec ou sans sex). Let’s look at what it takes …