After the Affair… is this relationship worth salvaging?

After an affair is revealed, many people wonder if there is any point in engaging in counseling. As with most other relationship-specific difficulties, the answer is it “depends”. One of the many relevant factors is how soon after the reveal a …

Technology – a means to an end, or an end in itself?

Technology is infiltrating almost every aspect of our lives. It has become such an integral part of our lives, most of us have come to expect it to be this way, or we have not known any other way. Over time, many …

F.O.M.O. – Have we got the wrong end of the stick?

Fear of missing out. Over the past few years, I’ve noticed the acronym and what it stands for appears in many peoples’ accounts of their everyday life stress. To me, it’s been a long-time given that if I choose to do/ …


The issue of Truth, as an idea, a perspective, or a fact about what is real, has been around for centuries. It’s been debated by leaders, theologians and philosophers for a long time. Through developments in mathematics and science, the realm of …

Letting Go

She’s gone. My friend of almost thirty years’ standing died on February 10, 2017, after a protracted battle with ovarian cancer. As I continued to prepare for the death of my dear friend (Kate), I was struck by the similarities between …

Life Housekeeping

Towards the end of the last calendar year, I found myself in the grip of a powerful urge to clean up my affairs on all sorts of levels; that sense of housekeeping urgency has followed me into the new year. …

On Choices and Choosing Wisely

Choice is about considering a situation we find ourselves in or an opportunity that has presented itself where there are multiple outcomes possible, depending on what path is chosen and implemented.  We might consider going out on a date with …