So Much Talk of Sexual Assault !

SO MUCH TALK OF SEXUAL ASSAULT! They’re coming out of the woodwork! You’d have to be living under a rock not to notice the veritable avalanche of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation being reported in the news right now. …

Boundaries in Relationship

“Boundaries make for good neighbours”, goes the saying. What does that mean? A boundary is a demarcation line; a way of distinguishing where one thing begins and another ends. National borders are boundaries that separate nation states into separate entities. Fences …

Does Psychotherapy Work?

I am rarely asked the question – “Does psychotherapy work?” Yet, the issue of therapeutic effectiveness is a question people should be asking given the enormous investment, financial, practical and emotional that it requires them to make. I am curious that this …

Xmas – an Alien’s Viewpoint

Xmas – an Alien’s Viewpoint It’s ba-aack! No avoiding it. Every year in the Judeo-Christian influenced world, it hits like a tsunami. Starting from early hints in September, gradually building momentum in October/ November, until the tidal wall of commercial frenzy …